Posted by SUYOG PATIL on 6:28 PM in , , , , ,
You must be thinking that we are doing image processing in Matlab which is having vary vast applications but its heavy software......
My advice for beginners in Image Processing(IP) or Computer Vision(CV) will be to apply some algorithms of IP in Matlab first, get hands on it and then start with other language from basic.The other language which I am talking about is none other than your favorite and the most basic language "C" .Ya...its C programming ....
So from now on I will be writing tutorial of IP in C.but before that i want to share some basics of IP/CV so that when you start in C it will be easy for you to understand and to write code.

Go through some very useful and interesting concepts of COMPUTER VISION as they are very important in coding and algorithm point of view...

Image Collection
The very first step would be to capture an image. A camera captures data as a stream of information, reading from a single light receptor at a time and storing each complete 'scan' as one single file. Different cameras can work differently, so check the manual on how it sends out image data.
There are two main types of cameras, CCD and CMOS.
A CCD transports the charge across the chip and reads it at one corner of the array. An analog-to-digital converter (ADC) then turns each pixel's value into a digital value by measuring the amount of charge at each photosite and converting that measurement to binary form. CMOS devices use several transistors at each pixel to amplify and move the charge using more traditional wires. The CMOS signal is digital, so it needs no ADC.
CCD sensors create high-quality, low-noise images. CMOS sensors are generally more susceptible to noise.
Because each pixel on a CMOS sensor has several transistors located next to it, the light sensitivity of a CMOS chip is lower. Many of the photons hit the transistors instead of the photodiode.
CMOS sensors traditionally consume little power. CCDs, on the other hand, use a process that consumes lots of power. CCDs consume as much as 100 times more power than an equivalent CMOS sensor.
CCD sensors have been mass produced for a longer period of time, so they are more mature. They tend to have higher quality pixels, and more of them. Below is how colored pixels are arranged on a CCD chip:
CCD Chip
When storing or processing an image, make sure the image is uncompressed - meaning don't use JPG's . . . BMP's, GIF's, and PNG's are often (although not always) uncompressed. If you decide to transmit an image as compressed data (for faster transmission speed), you will have to uncompress the image before processing. This is important with how the file is understood . . .

Pixels and Resolution
In every image you have pixels. These are the tiny little dots of color you see on your screen, and the smallest possible size any image can get. When an image is stored, the image file contains information on every single pixel in that image.
This information includes two things: color, and pixel location.
Images also have a set number of pixels per size of the image, known as resolution. You might see terms such as dpi (dots per square inch), meaning the number of pixels you will see in a square inch of the image. A higher resolution means there are more pixels in a set area, resulting in a higher quality image. The disadvantage of higher resolution is that it requires more processing power to analyze an image. When programming computer vision into a robot, use low resolution.

The Matrix (the math kind)
Images are stored in 2D matrices, which represent the locations of all pixels. All images have an X component, and a Y component. At each point, a color value is stored. If the image is black and white (binary), either a 1 or a 0 will be stored at each location. If the color is greyscale, it will store a range of values. If it is a color image (RBG), it will store sets of values. Obviously, the less color involved, the faster the image can be processed. For many applications, binary images can acheive most of what you want.
Here is a matrix example of a binary image of a triangle:
0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
It has a resolution of 7 x 5, with a single bit stored in each location. Memory required is therefore 7 x 5 x 1 = 35 bits.
Here is a matrix example of a greyscale (8 bit) image of a triangle:

0   0   55  255 55  0   0
0   55  255 55  255 55  0
55  255 55  55  55  255 55
255 255 255 255 255 255 255
55  55  55  55  55  55  55
0   0   0   0   0   0   0
It has a resolution of 7 x 6, with 8 bits stored in each location. Memory required is therefore 7 x 6 x 8 = 336 bits.
As you can see, increasing resolution and information per pixel can significantly slow down your image processing speed.
After converting color data to generate greyscale, Mona Lisa looks like this:

Decreasing Resolution
The very first operation I will show you is how to decrease the resolution of an image. The basic concept in decreasing resolution is that you are selectively deleting data from the image. There are several ways you can do this:
The first method is just delete 1 pixel out of every group of pixels in both X and Y directions of the matrix.
For example, using our greyscale image of a triangle above, and deleting one out of every two pixels in the X direction, we would get:
0   55  55  0
0   255 255 0
55  55  55  55
255 255 255 255
55  55  55  55
0   0   0   0
and continuing with the Y direction:

0   55  55  0
55  55  55  55
55  55  55  55
and will result in a 4 x 3 matrix, for memory usage of 96 bits.
Another way of decreasing resolution would be to choose a pixel, average the values of all surrounding pixels, store that value in the choosen pixel location, then delete all the surrounding pixels.
For example,

13  112 112 13
145 166 166 145
103 103 103 103
Using the latter method for resolution reduction, this is what Mona Lisa would look like (below). You can see how pixels are averaged along the edges of her hair.

Thresholding and Heuristics
While the above method reduces image file size by resolution reduction, thresholding reduces file size by reducing color data in each pixel.
To do this, you first need to analyze your image by using a method called heuristics. Heuristics is when you statistically look at an image as a whole, such as determining the overall brightness of an image, or counting the total number of pixels that contain a certain color. For an example histogram, here is my sample greyscale pixel histogram of Mona Lisa, and sample histogram generation code.
An example image heuristic plotting pixel count (Y-axis) versus pixel color intensity (0 to 255, X-axis):
Threshold Pixel Chart
Often heuristics is used for improving image contrast. The image is analyzed, and then bright pixels is made brighter, and dark pixels is made darker. Im not going to go into contrast details here as it is a little complicated, but this is what an improved contrast of Mona Lisa would look like (before and after):
Mona Lisa Computer Vision Contrast
In this particular thresholding example, we will convert all colors to binary. How do you decide which pixel is a 1 and which is a 0? The first thing you do is determine a threshold - all pixel values above the threshold becomes a 1, and all below becomes a 0. Your threshold can be chosen arbitrarily, or it can be based on your heuristic analysis.
For example, converting our greyscale triangle to binary, using 40 as our threshold, we will get:
0 0 1 1 1 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
If the threshold was 100, we would get this better image:
0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
As you can see, setting a good threshold is very important. In the first example, you cannot see the triangle, yet in the second you can. Poor thresholds result in poor images.
In the following example, I used heuristics to determine the average pixel value (add all pixels together, and then divide by the total number of pixels in the image). I then set this average as the threshold. Setting this threshold for Mona Lisa, we get this binary image:
Note that if the threshold was 1, the entire image would be black. If the threshold was 255, the entire image would be white. Thresholding really excels when the background colors are very different from the target colors, as this automatically removes the distracting background from your image. If your target is the color red, and there is little to no red in the background, your robot can easily locate any object that is red by simply thresholding the red value of the image.

Image Color Inversion
Color image inversion is a simple equation that inverts the colors of the image. I havnt found any use for this on a robot, but it does however make a good example . . .
The grey scale equation is simply:
    255 - pixel_value = new_pixel_value
The grey scale triangle then becomes:
255 255 200 0   200 255 255
255 200 0   200 0   200 255
200 0   200 200 200 0   200
0   0   0   0   0   0   0
200 200 200 200 200 200 200
255 255 255 255 255 255 255
An RBG of Mona Lisa becomes:
Image Inversion

Brightness (and Darkness)
Increasing brightness is another simple algorithm. All you do is add (or subtract) some arbitrary value to each pixel:
    new_pixel_value = pixel_value + 10
You must also make sure that no pixel goes above an exceeded value. With 8 bit greyscale, no value can exceed 255. A simple check can be added like this:

    if (pixel_value + 10 > 255)
        { new_pixel_value = 255; }
        { new_pixel_value = pixel_value + 10; }
And for our lovely and now radiant Mona Lisa:
The problem with increasing brightness too much is that it will result in whiteout. For example, if your arbitrarily added value was 255, every pixel would be white. It also does not improve a robot's ability to understand an image, so you probably will not find a use for this algorithm directly.

Addendum: 1D, 2D, 3D, 4D
A 1D image can be obtained from use of a 1 pixel sensor, such as a photoresistor. As metioned in part 1 of this vision tutorial, if you put several photoresistors together, you can generate an image matrix.
You can also generate a 2D image matrix by scanning a 1 pixel sensor, such as with a scanning Sharp IR. If you use a ranging sensor, you can easily store 3D info into a much more easily processed 2D matrix.
4D images include time data. They are actually stored as a set of 2D matrix images, with each pixel containing range data, and a new 2D matrix being stored after every X seconds of time passing. This makes processing simple, as you can just analyze each 2D matrix seperately, and then compare images to process change in time. This is just like film of a movie, which is actually just a set of 2D images changing so fast it appears to be moving. This is also quite similar to how a human processes temporal information, as we see about 25 images per second - each processed individually.
Actually, biologically, its a bit more complicated than this. Feel free to read an email I recieved from Mr Bill concerning biological fps. But for all intents and purposes, 25fps is an appropriate benchmark.
Film Strip 

Computer Vision vs Machine Vision
Computer vision and machine vision differ in how images are created and processed. Computer vision is done with everyday real world video and photography. Machine vision is done in oversimplified situations as to significantly increase reliability while decreasing cost of equipment and complexity of algorithms. As such, machine vision is used for robots in factories, while computer vision is more appropriate for robots that operate in human environments. Machine vision is more rudimentary yet more practical, while computer vision relates to AI. There is a lesson in this . . .

Edge Detection
Edge detection is a technique to locate the edges of objects in the scene. This can be useful for locating the horizon, the corner of an object, white line following, or for determining the shape of an object. The algorithm is quite simple:
    sort through the image matrix pixel by pixel for each pixel, analyze each of the 8 pixels surrounding it
    record the value of the darkest pixel, and the lightest pixel
    if (darkest_pixel_value - lightest_pixel_value) > threshold)
        then rewrite that pixel as 1;
    else rewrite that pixel as 0;
What the algorithm does is detect sudden changes in color or lighting, representing the edge of an object.
Check out the edges on Mona Lisa:
Mona Lisa Mona Lisa Edge Detection

A challenge you may have is choosing a good threshold. This left image has a threshold thats too low, and the right image has a threshold thats too high. You will need to run an image heuristics program for it to work properly.
High Edge Detection Threshold Low Edge Detection Threshold
You can also do other neat tricks with images, such as thresholding only a particular color like red.

Shape Detection and Pattern Recognition
Shape detection requires preprogramming in a mathematical representation database of the shapes you wish to detect. For example, suppose you are writing a program that can distinguish between a triangle, a square, and a circle. This is how you would do it:
    run edge detection to find the border line of each shape count the number of continuous edges
      a sharp change in line direction signifies a different line
      do this by determining the average vector between adjacent pixels
    if three lines detected, then its a triangle
    if four lines, then a square
    if one line, then its a circle
    by measure angles between lines you can determine more info (rhomboid, equilateral triangle, etc.)
Shape Detection Original Image Shape Detection after Edge Detection
The basic shapes are very easy, but as you get into more complex shapes (pattern recognition) you will have to use probability analysis. For example, suppose your algorithm needed to recognize between 10 different fruits (only by shape) such as an apple, an orange, a pear, a cherry, etc. How would you do it? Well all are circular, but none perfectly circular. And not all apples look the same, either.
By using probability, you can run an analysis that says 'oh, this fruit fits 90% of the characteristics of an apple, but only 60% the characteristics of an orange, so its more likely an apple.' Its the computational version of an 'educated guess.' You could also say 'if this particular feature is present, then it has a 20% higher probability of being an apple.' The feature could be a stem such as on an apple, fuzziness like on a coconut, or spikes like on a pinneapple, etc. This method is known as feature detection.
Bowl of Fruit

Middle Mass and Blob Detection
Blob detection is an algorithm used to determine if a group of connecting pixels are related to each other. This is useful for identifying seperate objects in a scene, or counting the number of objects in a scene. Blob detection would be useful for counting people in an airport lobby, or fish passing by a camera. Middle mass would be useful for a baseball catching robot, or a line following robot.
To find a blob, you threshold the image by a specific color as shown below. The blue dot represents the middle mass, or the average location of all pixels of the selected color.
If there is only one blob in a scene, the middle mass is always located in the center of an object. But what if there were two or more blobs? This is where it fails, as the middle mass is no longer located on any object:
To solve for this problem, your algorithm needs to label each blob as separate entities. To do this, run this algorithm:
    go through each pixel in the array: if the pixel is a blob color, label it '1'
        otherwise label it 0
    go to the next pixel
        if it is also a blob color
            and if it is adjacent to blob 1
                label it '1'
            else label it '2' (or more)
    repeat until all pixels are done
What the algorithm does is labels each blob by a number, counting up for every new blob it encounters. Then to find middle mass, you can just find it for each individual blob.
Above data is taken from my favourite site of robotics(http://www.societyofrobots.com/programming_computer_vision_tutorial.shtml) and i think the best explanation about some basics in COMPUTER VISION.

thank you societyofrobots.com you are doing great job.....

Next session-Getting started in C...


Mouse and Keyboard control in Matlab

Posted by SUYOG PATIL on 5:01 PM in , , ,
Mouse and keyboard control in Matlab:

After red object detection,if you want to do  mouse controls by red object then just follow steps as given below:

1)Get red objects centroid from current frame(Code shared already,see archive).

2)To set mouse cursor use java robot class or you can use inbuilt function in Matlab.

The following MATLAB code example demonstrates how one can programmatically control mouse motion using the java.awt.Robot class to move the mouse diagonally across the screen. First, import the class into MATLAB, create an object of this type, and then execute the mouseMove method in a loop to simulate motion.

import java.awt.Robot;
mouse = Robot;

mouse.mouseMove(0, 0);
screenSize = get(0, 'screensize');
for i = 1: screenSize(4)
mouse.mouseMove(i, i);


The following example demonstrates how one can programmatically click the right mouse button to bring up the context menu. Again, import the required Java classes, create an object of this type, and then use the mousePress and mouseRelease functions to simulate a click. Before executing this code, place the mouse over a portion of the screen where a context menu can appear.

import java.awt.Robot;
import java.awt.event.*;
mouse = Robot;



3)you can set keyboard events by this robot class.Using this events 
a)You can control any application
b)Play any flash game

 voidkeyPress(int keycode)
          Presses a given key.
 voidkeyRelease(int keycode)
          Releases a given key.

Short summary of Robot class(one of my favorite) functions:
 void delay(int ms)
          Sleeps for the specified time.
 int getAutoDelay()
          Returns the number of milliseconds this Robot sleeps after generating an event.
 Color getPixelColor(int x, int y)
          Returns the color of a pixel at the given screen coordinates.
 boolean isAutoWaitForIdle()
          Returns whether this Robot automatically invokes waitForIdle after generating an event.
 void keyPress(int keycode)
          Presses a given key.
 void keyRelease(int keycode)
          Releases a given key.
 void mouseMove(int x, int y)
          Moves mouse pointer to given screen coordinates.
 void mousePress(int buttons)
          Presses one or more mouse buttons.
 void mouseRelease(int buttons)
          Releases one or more mouse buttons.
 void mouseWheel(int wheelAmt)
          Rotates the scroll wheel on wheel-equipped mice.
 void setAutoDelay(int ms)
          Sets the number of milliseconds this Robot sleeps after generating an event.
 void setAutoWaitForIdle(boolean isOn)
          Sets whether this Robot automatically invokes waitForIdle after generating an event.
 String toString()
          Returns a string representation of this Robot.
 void waitForIdle()
          Waits until all events currently on the event queue have been processed.

You can always see my work in this video in which I played counterstrike with hand gestures at end of video!!!!


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